After raising 3 daughters, caring for my mom 13 1/2 years, my hubby's aunt 1 1/2 years, and my disabled Viet Nam hubby, I can tell you for sure that I LOVE TRAVELING SOLO!!!! Life is so simple! I stop when I want, eat when I want, camp when I want, and don't have to be checking my rear view mirror to see if he got lost!
People always come up and say, "Are you alone??!! Aren't you scared??" I'm like,"Scared of what?" I have been doing this for 7 years all over the country with 100% great experiences. I have met 100% nice people. Motels will let me park right outside their office under the canopy with good light, and sometimes I just park in front of my room. The only problem I have when camping (which I do a lot of with my little one person tent) is this: I like to gather twigs and pine cones and have a tiny campfire just to watch the flames dance, then turn in when it gets dark. It never fails: some big guy will come and, quick as a whip, throw a big log or two on my fire and say, Here. You need some wood!" Then I'm up many hours 'till it burns down. ggrrrrr. Also, people often bring a chair and insist I sit in it. I love sitting Indian style on the ground! grrrr grrrr
I love the flexibility of listening to my weather radio and being able to load my gear and head out in a flash if necessary.
I have never carried a gun and feel no need for one. What you think, you create. If you have a gun consciousness, you will attract that. Surround yourself with white light, ride and walk confidently, and with your heart open.
The world is very loving, giving and kind. I am always flexible with my trip plan. Often times, I just head towards the beautiful mountains, and turn on roads that look like fun. I stop in some out of the way little general store with an old coot or two on the porch, sit and drink water, and listen to their stories. Many times, someone will come out of the store and insist I eat (for free) something delicious they just cooked up! people will say, "Oh, you must go here and see this or go there and see that." So i do, and am lead place to place just flying by the seat of my pants! I have experienced many beautiful and interesting places that I never knew existed, and would never have found if I just mapped a route and stuck to it! It is very rewarding to be flexible.
Once I was in the boonies and went in a store for water, came out, and dropped my bike key. I looked all over for the darned thing. This got ridiculous! I was in the way, so I rolled my bike up about 3 feet. I kept looking and looking and looking. I began to believe there were invisible gremlins at work! After a long while, a van full of Mexican men pulled up. The guys got out and came over. I explained with hand gestures and my small bit of Spanish my dilemma. One got on his back under the bike, Two tilted the bike, and there was my key in the chain! They got it out for me and would accept no $ for their help! My chain was fine, My key, to this day, is mangled, but works fine! It is a good reminder to carry a spare key. (I was on my 03 Honda 750 ACE Shadow named Cherry. (as she's a pretty cherry sparkley red!)
I love my solo grannie motorcycle trips and take them every chance I get! Being 60 (almost 61) is great!!!! I encourage all women to do the same!