Our new baby arrived Feb. 1, 2008, on Abby's birthday! He weighed 9 Lbs. 5 Oz., and was 21" long. Today is the 9th and he has already gained weight! He is a beautiful perfect baby and we are all thrilled!!!
javen and dylan skateboarding on birthday ramps. javen is on his new board that he built himself. the boys just turned 10 yrs. old, and are getting quite good! (they also get great grades and are on the honor roll, and are really good at all sports!) this is feb. 9, and it's 50 degrees! yay ky!
Lebanon (Lat: 37.56972, Lon: -85.25278), KY, United States
We are grandparents who love riding our motorcycles (a Honda Shadow & an R1100 BMW), playing with grandchildren, sailing, traveling, backpacking, camping, writing, music, nature, and people! Our grandchildren get great grades and are great athletes, and great kids! (Brag brag)