Thursday, June 26, 2014

One day at a time

Yesterday, Blake slept all day.  At a tiny bit of cereal and a pc. of celery all day.  We did a bath, then he mustered up the energy to meet Perry and Mary Kay at mex for our regular Wed. night dinner.  AND he ate a fish dinner!

This morning, he's feeling pretty good.  Hurray!  After a few days of feeling nauseous and sleeping mostly.

He is not as alert as he once was, and gets confused easily.

But he is still here and that's the best part!

Our walnut trees are dropping their walnuts prematurely.  Gardener sites say late cold spring and now drought caused it.  I know the real cause, tho.  They are crying because Blake is sick.

blake's angels

They take turns watching over  blake. (Foster, Daisy, Hobo)

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Friday, June 6, 2014

Blake hanging in there with the progressing Stage IV aggressive melanoma

Cancer and Blake's melanoma suck!  He has tumors in every organ all over the inside of his body including the bone which is very painful.  Thank God for Hospice!

He is now experiencing some nausea and vomitting.  Disease progression.

It all breaks my heart.

Some of his east coast family coming next weekend, June 13-16.  That will be nice.

Today he is watching French Open tennis.  He loves this and it takes his mind off how bad he feels.

I don't think people actually read this blog, so I don't post often.  For almost daily updates on Blake, see my facebook page.  We have many, many followers and lots of folks loving, supporting, and praying for us through this page.

Mary Ann Ohsol

You will see our picture on it.