Monday, September 5, 2016

August and September stuff

Cabin, county, lake, land beautiful and peaceful experience!  Javen on Campbellsville University golf team (scholarship in golf and academics). I'm dropping weight by walking, swimming, and taking 2 classes at CU:  ballroom dance and self-defense!  fun fun!

Have all the family on my door, and constantly feel their wonderful love!  I am so grateful!

Life without Blake is tough, I miss him all the time, yet I am peaceful and comfortable alone.  I have many, many good memories!

Last Waterslide Day

We have a great park complete with tiny free library!  Today is the last day for the waterslide to be open, so I flew down it 6 times after swimming pool laps!  Great fun!!
Enjoyed the block party last night and hanging with my good pal, Jane Bell!

Great Riding Weather!

Been having great riding weather. Rode over to Hodgensville for the volunteer appreciation picnic at the Abe Lincoln birthplace national Park  for the volunteer appreciation picnic.