Here's my mug shots!

Below is a picture of what my normal campsite looks like. I keep it simple. AND LOVE IT!!

Here is a picture of me and Cherry and the trophy she won for coolest cruiser at the Jelly Bean Run bike show in Danville, Ky., last month.

Here I am geared up for a trip on Cherry, and I am being a garage cowgirl on Mustard!

Here I am riding the Dragon (Rte. 129 in NC) on way home from Florida. I bought Mustard on Ebay, flew down to St. Pete., Fla., and rode her home. In the July 07 issue of Women on Wheels there is a 4 page article on my trip with 6 pictures. If you would to read it, email me at , put WOW in the subject line and request a copy. I'll email it back.

Today the weather is finally cooler after a great rain! Since I have been at my grandkids allstar games all the last week, I am very anxious to get a good ride in today. So....bye for now. Time to gear up and take Mustard out for some really fun riding! Have a great day and thanx for reading my blog!
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