Friday, July 27, 2007


Our beautiful Main Street, our favorite place to dine, (our Mexican restaurant!!), me and pa in total bliss after a good Mexican dinner with 2 of our daughters and assorted grandkids! Check out one of my naked lady lilies, and my gorgeous crepe myrtle!

Sunday, July 22, 2007


Above is our cabin with motorcycle friends from Michigan,Germany, and Ohio last winter. And below is a picture of our lake taken several years ago with daughter, Lisa, on Dusty, her wonderful quarter horse who passed away at 28 years old, this last winter. We are still mourning his death. He was a very wonderful horse.


Above left is Sara's team, 11-12 year olds. They did very well in the Allstars tourney. Not sure of their place. Rght is Abby's team, 9-10 year olds, who are the 3rd best team in the state! They all played their hearts out and were totally awesome to watch!
Below is Javen getting a great hit in his traveling Pirates team tourney. He played very well!
Summer ball games are so hot, but fun. Starting tomorrow for a week, the kids will all be in a theater workshop in Springfield, then later in the summer, put on a play for us! Blake and I rode the bikes to the Campbellsville ball games and then to the St. Francis picnic. It sure felt good to be riding again. I didn't ride for a whole 8 days with the out of town ball tourneys! That's the longest I've ever gone without riding. I ride almost every day in the spring, summer, and fall, and at least once a week if not more in the winter! The St. Francis picnic was lots of fun. I look foward to it all year long, and love seeing all the farm neighbors that I don't see much of since we have moved to town. I will be glad when fall gets here and it cools off so we can spend more time at the cabin again.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Kenny Rogers visited us on BICYCLE!

This cool bicycler who rode from Phoenix to Wash., DC, spent the night with us! What an interesting fellow! You must check out his blog:

my favorite t-shirt

learning how to blog - here's some pictures!

Here's my mug shots! Below is a picture of what my normal campsite looks like. I keep it simple. AND LOVE IT!! Here is a picture of me and Cherry and the trophy she won for coolest cruiser at the Jelly Bean Run bike show in Danville, Ky., last month. Here I am geared up for a trip on Cherry, and I am being a garage cowgirl on Mustard! Here I am riding the Dragon (Rte. 129 in NC) on way home from Florida. I bought Mustard on Ebay, flew down to St. Pete., Fla., and rode her home. In the July 07 issue of Women on Wheels there is a 4 page article on my trip with 6 pictures. If you would to read it, email me at , put WOW in the subject line and request a copy. I'll email it back. Today the weather is finally cooler after a great rain! Since I have been at my grandkids allstar games all the last week, I am very anxious to get a good ride in today. So....bye for now. Time to gear up and take Mustard out for some really fun riding! Have a great day and thanx for reading my blog!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

me in front of Ann's Chateau: (dog, Rocky, on back of bike) My first blogging attempt. I am usually doing one of three things: traveling on one of my two bikes (03 750 Honda ACE Shadow named Cherry and 02 F750GS BMW named Mustard), hosting guests at our historic building in downtown Lebanon, Ky., named Ann's Chateau, or entertaining grandchildren! I occassionally write articles and have been published several times in Biker Alley Magazine and Women on Wheels Magazine. The July 07 issue of Women on Wheels just came out, and contains my 4 page article with 6 pictures. It is about buying Mustard on Ebay and flying down to St. Pete, Fla, and the adventures of riding her home. I belong to BMW/MOA, The Chain Gang (a club/forum for F650 riders), Women on Wheels, and Meter Maids which i just recently joined. I have six grandchildren and one in the bread basket, due in early February. Above was taken in 2005. It is from left to right, back row: me, Samantha, nicknamed Bumbie, now 16, her mom and my daughter, Laurie, my daughter Lori, nicknamed Oli, my daughter, Lisa, my granddaughter, Sara Grace, who is now 12, and front row: my grandson, Javen, now 9, my granddaughter, Anna, now 7, and my granddaughter, Abby, now 10. Grandson, Brodie, not in picture, but he is 10. I love going on solo motorcycle camping trips all over the southeast in the mountains and camping in a very simple little tent. Both bikes do highways, mountains, sharp curves, and switchbacks very nicely. Mustard, my F650GS, is dual sport, and is a lot of fun off road and very dependable. I used to take my dog, Rocky, but my granddaughter, Samantha, adopted him. He loves to ride motorcycles! Ann's Chateau is in the Motorcycle Travel Network, and we are a hostel for travelers and especially bikers. We have hosted Airhead BMW Tech Rallys, and we have had guests from all over the US and Canada just spend the night with us and share good stories! You must come visit us! We ask $20 a night donation, and I usually cook a great breakfast. Our phone number is 270-692-3858. If we are out of town, leave a message and when we return we will call you. One of us is usually here, though. Blake is a disabled Viet Nam vet, and has garage/tools, great stories, a great library, and loves to entertain.