Friday, November 8, 2013


10.28  MA telling Blake of horrid life changing phone call.  Cat & Pet Scans back.  Stage IV advanced agressive metastasized melanoma.  Lymph, neck, lungs, abdomen, & bone.  

November 8, 2013, today, Blake started a series of 4 chemo (YERVOY) treatments at VA in Lexington for advanced metastasized stage IV Melanoma.  VA is using a chemo just approved from clinical trials. New for Melanoma, which is a very different, sneaky, and unique cancer.  I researched Vanderbilt, Houston, Chicago, and NY.  We are so fortunate and blessed to have VA/UK working with us and having this latest breakthrough drug!  We have a super team of VA/UK doctors working with us and have complete confidence that we will extend his life and quality of life with this team.

I woke at 5:30am to get ready to take him and scared myself  in the mirror!  Covered in raised bumps!  Itching fiercely!  Had to go to ER.  They think allergy to turkey mite medicine and stress!  ugh!

Daughters, Lori and Laurie took him, and his first treatment went well. I am medicated, itching, and crying.   Please send prayers for Blake.  (me, too, if time)

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