Saturday, November 23, 2013

Yesterday was 50th anniversary of John Kennedy's death.

It was 5 min till class started. The mean gruff strict chemistry teacher, Mr. Prez, hadn't come in yet. Biology was also held in this room, and there were some gallon jars with fetal pigs in them. I took one out and decided to stick it's butt up the chemistry faucet to watch it get big. We were all gathered round and boom! That pig blew up and pig guts and formaldehyde covered all of us and the floor and the walls and the windows! At that moment, Mr. Prez walked in. His mouth opened, he turned all red as we all shook in total fear, terror, and panic! Right at that moment the alert bell sounded followed by the announcement that President Kennedy had been shot and we were to go directly to our buses. We stampeded out of that room as fast as we could! By the time we were finally back in school, life went on and all was forgotten. Some things you never forget.

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